
The approach currently target 1,154 mothers who are in different levels i.e expectant, lactating and those who have graduated (their children have reached three years).Breastmilk is the perfect food for a baby during the first 6 months. It has everything a baby needs in the right amounts to grow and develop.
Breastmilk is made to perfectly meet the needs of baby humans, just as cow milk is  made to meet the needs of baby cows and goat milk is made to meet the needs of baby goats. We never see baby goats drinking cow milk because animal milks are different for each animal. Animal milk is different from breastmilk. Animal milk can be too strong for a baby’s digestive system. Breastmilk is much easier for a baby to digest. It is dangerous to give animal milks to babies before 6 months of age. Breastmilk also has certain things that animal milks do not.Breastmilk has fats that help a baby’s growing brain and eyes. These fats are not in animal milk. Breastmilk helps protect a baby against many infections (including diarrhea, respiratory illness, pneumonia, ear infections, meningitis, and urinary tract infections). Research from all over the world shows that babies who are given only breastmilk for  the first 6 months are much less likely to have diarrhea. Babies who are not  exclusively breastfed have diarrhea more often, partly because other feeds do not have the protective factors of breastmilk, and partly because these other feeds are often made with ingredients and utensils that are contaminated with harmful germs. Babies who take only breastmilk grow better, fall sick less often, and perform better in school than children who are not exclusively breastfed.

The TOTs, CRPS and the project staff are engaged in community mobilization within the
project target area where all lactating mothers (with children below 3 years and expectant
mothers are sensitized at the village level. The sensitization comprise:
i. Formation of mother to mother support groups each comprising of 9-15 members
ii. Each MZM support groups identifies a lead mother and an assistant.
iii. All the lead mothers and assistant lead mothers are trained by the TOTs and CRPS
on the concept as trained by the consultant.
iv. All the lead mothers take the role of training the members of the support group.
v. All the support groups are linked to a health facility (either dispensary or hospital)
for referral on any health or growth and development issue)
vi. Through the help of the specific lead mothers when there are nutritional issues,
health issues or growth issue among the expectant, lactating and children the
information comes into the office trough the TOTs and later the victims are reffered
to the linked health facilities.(Nutrionists at the ward level has been of key help)
vii. Towards improving the food security and nutrition sensitive food consumption or
the support groups are trained on kitchen garden establishment using the agro
ecology model.
viii. Towards establishment of the kitchen gardens the members of the support groups
are supported with seeds (mainly kales, amaranth, and spinach) for collective seed
bed preparation and share out of the seedlings among the members.
ix. MZM support groups also adopt other interventions like SlLC, Poutrly, and
other activities depending on the interest of specific group.
x. Key emphasis has been on the establishment of the kitchen gardens and are also trained on the permaculture model and agro ecology for adoption in their day to day ariculutural activities. 


Order of St. Augustine –OSA (Ishiara parish) in partnership with Trocaire with funding from from Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom and Misean Cara is implementing a Community resilience and climate change adaptation project in Embu county specifically in Evurore ward mainly focusing in three locations (Kamarandi, Ndurumori and Iria tune locations).The title of the project is Community resilience and climate change adaptation aimed at ensuring that the Vulnerable communities in the drought-affected semi-arid Evurore ward are more resilient to the impact of shocks and stresses related to climate change.The three year project aims at reaching 4000 households and attain four major outcomes within the project period which are inclusive of :improved levels of economic security, improved levels of food security, improved capacity to protect and manage natural resources in a climate sensitive manner and Improved capacity to plan for, respond to and cope with shocks and stresses related to climate change. Good progress towards attaining the set milestones have been made as far as the project out puts are concerned and so in the next quarters efforts to achieve the project outcomes will be made.
The project beneficiaries usually have an obligation to contribute in all project activities either in cash or in kind for project ownership and sustainability.

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