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School kitchen Garden

It is the main output/outcome for this project though we have gone an extra mile to have full design with other elements as proposed by the school. The aim of the kitchen garden is to provide nutritious food for both teachers and students using permaculture/agroecoloy production systems. In this case, we recommended the kitchen garden to be placed next to the kitchen to utilize the grey water coming from the kitchen. We suggest to use sunken beds so as to catch and store more water for more production as this area is dryland. Also to have diversified crops in one sunken bed as shown below for biodiversity.Intercrop pest repellents like Mexican marigold, garlic, onions, coriander and heavily mulch the beds to improve the soil and conserve water. Plant next to the beds sweet potatoes to provide live mulch and get more than one yield. 


Order of St. Augustine –OSA (Ishiara parish) in partnership with Trocaire with funding from from Department for International Development (DFID) of the United Kingdom and Misean Cara is implementing a Community resilience and climate change adaptation project in Embu county specifically in Evurore ward mainly focusing in three locations (Kamarandi, Ndurumori and Iria tune locations).The title of the project is Community resilience and climate change adaptation aimed at ensuring that the Vulnerable communities in the drought-affected semi-arid Evurore ward are more resilient to the impact of shocks and stresses related to climate change.The three year project aims at reaching 4000 households and attain four major outcomes within the project period which are inclusive of :improved levels of economic security, improved levels of food security, improved capacity to protect and manage natural resources in a climate sensitive manner and Improved capacity to plan for, respond to and cope with shocks and stresses related to climate change. Good progress towards attaining the set milestones have been made as far as the project out puts are concerned and so in the next quarters efforts to achieve the project outcomes will be made.
The project beneficiaries usually have an obligation to contribute in all project activities either in cash or in kind for project ownership and sustainability.

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